Parijat Academy - Salary : Teachers & Other Staff

Project Brief: Parijat Academy helps educate tribal children in rural Assam where government schools have not been able to provide effective education for all
Project Type: Formal Schools (description)
Primary Focus: children of dalits/tribals (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: DC
Status: Proposal - Closed
Project Steward: Umesh Sharma
Project Partner(s): Biju Borbaruah
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , Pamohi,,P.O. Garchuk,,Guwahati,
Assam  781035
Tel: 91-9864041711
Stewarding Chapter: DC

Total = $0

Asha DC chapter supports the project for teachers' salaries for teachers of middle school and higher classes and other staff of Parijat Academy, who have been surviving on teachers' own funds and from infrequent individual donations.
The aim is to provide stable income to the educators of this school, who are providing free education to the students.
The poor literacy rate of children of the village and the nearby villages is the long-term driver for this project. In villages near Parijat Academy, poor tribal women supplement their meagre family income by selling home-made fermented rice beer which leads to a host of problems for these already poor families.
By educating the children, Parijat hope that the children will be able to pursue alternative means of generating a livelihood and cause social upliftment of the nearby villages.

This project is only covering salaries of Middle School and upper level teachers and other staff of the school for tribal children receiving free education .