Khairachati - Prabhat English High School

Project Brief: The village located near the cosmopolitan region near Kharagpur. The other schools located in the area are costly and it is often difficult for the village children to go to school. This school provides primary education for 30 students.
Project Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers (description)
Primary Focus: creating resources (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Berkeley
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Sundar Iyer
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , c/o Mr. Rajkumar Shankar,,Holding no. 46/35, Rabindrapalli, P.O. Hijli,,,
Stewarding Chapter: Berkeley
Dec 1997BerkeleyUSD 2000

Total = $2000

To give funding to help run a school in the village for the local students.
The village located near the cosmopolitan region near Kharagpur. The other schools located in the area are costly and it is often difficult for the village children to go to school. This school provides primary education for 30 students.