Udayan Shalini Fellowship

Project Brief: Udayan Shalini Fellowship Programme supports girls from lower socio-economic milieu in Delhi, Kurukshetra and West Bengal by providing monetary as well as mentoring support
Project Type: Vocational Training (description)
Primary Focus: girls (description)

Secondary Focus: to go to formal school

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Madison
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Mayur Kajla
Project Partner(s): Kiran Modi
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , C-9 (Basement),Lajpat Nagar - III,New Delhi,
Delhi  110024
Tel: +91+11+29840151, 39603837
Stewarding Chapter: Madison
Dec 2007MadisonUSD 2500

Total = $2500

The Udayan Shalini Fellowship Programme reaches out to disadvantaged girls who live with their natural families. Udayan Shalini Fellows are given monetary and mentoring support to continue pursuing academic as well as vocational training. The selection process is called NAT – Needs, Ambition and Talent. Fellows are attached with senior educationists, who mentor them through their high school, college or vocational education These Fellows are supported with a monthly scholarship amount whilst regular motivational workshops are held to expand their vision.

We have planned to support fellowships for 10 girls for one academic year for the vocational studies program
Udayan Care was established as a Public Charitable Trust in 1994 with Sub-Registrar III under the India Trust Act. It came into being on February 7th, 1994 with the aim of bringing an eternal sunrise into the lives of the disadvantaged.

The vision of Udayan Care is to 'Contribute towards Sustainable Human Development’ through initiating and executing social developmental activities that result in substantial improvement in the Quality of Life (QoL) of the disadvantaged.