Ma and Jananee Day Care Centres

Project Brief: Ma and Jananee are day care centres established by Samagra Uttarbanga Loka Kalyan Kendra, a charitable NGO in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal. The centres specifically cater to children from slums (pre-primary education, health and cultural activities).
Project Type: Pre-Primary (description)
Primary Focus: children from slums (description)

Secondary Focus: children of migrant workers

Area: Urban
Supporting Chapter Contact: Zurich
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Priyanka Chahar
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , Salil Chattopadhyay ,Samagra Uttarbanga Loka Kalyan Kendra,"Jinkgoale", Mohitnagar, Jalpaiguri 735 1 0 1,Jalpaiguri,
West Bengal  735101
Tel: 913561-255685/0372
Stewarding Chapter: Zurich
Jul 2008ZurichCHF 2300
Feb 2008ZurichCHF 2500
Dec 2007ZurichCHF 8500

Total = $9566.3309

Asha Zurich provides partial financial support to the two Day Care Centres Ma and Jananee in Jalpaiguri. These cater for slum children (3-7yrs old)and provide day care, food, health care and pre-primary education to 70-100 children. Asha Zurich contributes to the ongoing costs of Jananee and Ma (education, food, medicine and salary of teachers and other workers) and as well as to the establishment of a new permanent centre for Ma, which is currently under construction.

The accepted budget is CHF 8500.00 per year.

Jananee is already a modest success story. It receives children from the Karalachar slum, which gets flooded several times a year and mostly populated by immigrants. Jananee has a permanent building with a room where the children study and eat. A very small clinic where a volunteer (doctor) gives health care once in a while and a play grounds. The children are given some warm food in the morning and the centre runs half a day.

Ma has been established recently. For lack of funding, the day care is now being conducted in the shack of an elderly lady labour and is often flooded. Children cannot be offered warm food and the shack gets flooded very often. Personal donations are rare and cannot be counted as a regular income. Money promised from the government is still pending.

Asha Zurich has proposed to fund the following:

1.Partially fund the establishment of a permanent day care centre for Ma: land, building, and furniture
2.Partially fund the recurring costs for Jananee and Ma: food, clothes, health care, study-material.
3.Contribute towards a increased honorarium for the teachers and carers (they receive only a extremely modest amount and haven’t been paid for the last few months as the government funding is pending)
4.Fund a training programme for the teachers so that they are better able to steer the children towards primary school education
5.Fund a few scholarship and incentives so that children attend and then are encouraged to continue their education at the local schools.
Care and Education of young slum children, whose parents are out working all day as day labours. The main aim of the centres is to provide these children with day care, health care, nutrition, basic education and recreation (games, music, dances, cultural activities etc.) and to prepare them for mainstream primary education.
NGO originally set up by elderly and retired locals from the Jalpaiguri area. Its main aim is to help families below the poverty line. The organisation's work includes setting up sanitary marts, self-help groups, health awareness and day care centres for young slum children.
email: salilchjpg(AT)yahoo(DOT)co(DOT)in