Wagheshwar Vidya Vikas Trust

Project Brief: Provide resources for free educational facilities to boys and girls from rural areas around Wagholi, about 16 miles from Pune.
Project Type: Formal Schools (description)
Primary Focus: creating resources (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Seattle
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward:
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , ‘Geeta Dham’, 41,,Ashok Nagar, Range Hills Road,, Pune,
Maharashtra  411007
Tel: 91- 20 – 2553 7747
Stewarding Chapter: Seattle
Feb 2008SeattleUSD 75000

Total = $75000

Asha has pledged support for building 10 classrooms for this school.
Building 10 classrooms for the school building.
Till early 1960s, there were totally inadequate educational facilities in and around Wagholi village, though about 15 miles from Pune. There was only one school in a dilapidated old building that too for classes upto 4th standard. Going to Pune for schooling was a difficult task for the students, due to very poor transportation facilities in those days, and also attending schools in Pune was not affordable then to local population. Hence with a view to making available good education to boys and girls from poor rural families in and around Wagholi, the founder of our Trust late Shri Vitthalrao Satav established this Trust, investing his own money, built class rooms and started the school.