
Project Brief: Chintan is an environmental research and action group which also undertakes non-formal education of children from the wastepicking community in Delhi, helping them qualify for formal schooling. Asha helps support these educational programs.
Project Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers (description)
Primary Focus: children from slums (description)

Secondary Focus: children of migrant workers

Area: Urban
Supporting Chapter Contact: NYC/NJ
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Mamta Naidu
Project Partner(s): Anupama Pandey
Other Contacts: Shreya Amin
Project Address: , 238 Sidhartha Enclave,,,
Delhi  110014
Tel: +919891513797
Stewarding Chapter: NYC/NJ
Jul 2010NYC/NJUSD 5530
Sep 2009NYC/NJUSD 7440
Dec 2006NYC/NJUSD 4043

Total = $17013

Chintan runs education programs for children from the waste picking communities in Delhi who do not have any formal education. These programs are run in three different areas of Delhi, namely Takya Kale Khan, Nizamuddin and Chanakyapuri.

Chintan targets children between the ages of 8 and 14, and helps provide them with "bridge classes" to prepare them for joining regular schools, support classes for children attending regular schools, and Bal panchayats to help build self confidence amongst these children. Chintan's goal is to enable these children to phase out of the hazardous occupation of wastepicking by picking up alternative skills and help them secure safer jobs and a better livelihood.

Asha is supporting the education program in the Chanakyapuri area. Asha's grants will be used to provide books and basic stationery to children, provide salaries to teachers and community workers whose goal is to get these children to join Chintan's program, and keep them there.
Chintan was established in 1999 as an environmental advocacy group, whose thrust areas are Solid Waste Management, toxics handling and reduction, and environmental education and awareness.
In addition to providing education to wastepicking children, they focus on other areas described below:
* Research and Advocacy group on environmenal issues
* Oraganizing community, providing legal literacy, community leadership
* Waste training and contract management