Project Brief: The project is to support the Primary and Middle School located inside NIT Trichy campus. The funding required is recurring in terms of providing salary for teachers and meeting incidental expenses.
Project Type: Formal Schools (description)
Primary Focus: children from slums (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Chennai
Status: proposal-evaluation by chapter
Project Steward: Kamakoti Veezhinathan
Project Partner(s): Veezhinathan
Other Contacts:
Tamil Nadu  620 015
Stewarding Chapter: Chennai

Total = $0

The nursery and the middle school located within the NIT campus that provide quality education to the students from
nearby villages seek financial support from ASHA foundation.
The NIT nursery school presently educates 100 children
(Pre KG, LKG and UKG classes) requires salary for teachers and staff. The NIT Middle school has around 450 children studying from Std. I to VIII. They have around 11 regular teachers who are paid by the Government.
In addition, they have recruited additional teachers and attendars. The Salary of the Teachers of nursery school and
the additional teachers/Attendars of the middle school and
other incidental expenses of both the schools are met from
the tuition fee collected from the students. The management wants to make this education free to students, as most of the kids are from the nearby villages. Hence, they have put forward this proposal.

The following funding is requested from ASHA.

1. NIT Nursery School

Salary towards Six Teachers and 3 staff -
Rs. 1,56,000 per annum

2. NIT Middle School

Salary for Additional Teachers and Attender -

Rs. 1,00,000 (per Annum)
The project is to support schools inside NIT Trichy campus