Humana People to People- Girls education center, Virat Nagar

Project Brief: Humana people to people is setting up 2 education centers to provide primary education to grils who drop out of formal schools due to child marriage.
Project Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers (description)
Primary Focus: dropouts (description)

Secondary Focus: girls

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Stanford
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Bharath Beedu
Project Partner(s): Rohini Muthuswami
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , ,,5 villages in Virat Nagar,
Tel: 91 11 55137806
Stewarding Chapter: Stanford
Mar 2008StanfordUSD 6500
May 2006Silicon ValleyUSD 5000

Total = $11500

For the year 2008, this project is fully supported by the "Tomberg Family Philanthropies"

Asha is involved with providing funding for the setting up of 5 education centers specifically aimed at providing basic education to girls who drop out of formal education in the area due to child marriage. Literacy rates among girls in this area is between 3% and 5%. The buildings required for the setting up of the centers will be provided by the village community. The funds from Asha will be used for the running of these 5 centers, in the form of buying books, tables, educational devices, and pay for the teachers. Emphasis will paid on increasing awareness among the parents as well as the children of the importance of education, thereby hoping to bring about a reduction in the cases of child marriages.
The targeted beneficiaries are girls in the age group of 9 to 14 years. The goal is to prepare these drop out girls to get back into the formal education system.
Pratham, a non-profit organization in India is helping out with providing training to the teachers picked from the community.
Short-Term Objectives: Provide primary education for girls 9 to 14 years
5-Year Vision: Prepare 80% of girls to enroll in formal education
Humana People to People India's aim is to create development in the broadest sense. Especially through the establishment and implementation of projects that aim at transferring knowledge, skills and capacity to individuals and communities that need assistance to come out of poverty and dehumanized conditions. Humana People to People India works with the people as partners in finding solutions and in creating the necessary conditions to improve their living standards and to achieve their aspiration for a just and humanized life for themselves, their families and their communities. It is further Humana People to People India's mission to promote humanization of man, and to protect the weak and the outcast and to go against all forms of discrimination, oppression and exploitation. Humana People to People India aims to have an effect on the eradication of poverty, the control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, education for all, health care for all and for people to have the power do decide over their own destinies.
Humana People to People India is a non-political, non-religious organization.
Humana contact person in India:
Mohammad Khursheed
Humana People to People India, C- 183 Madhuban- Preet Vihar
New Delhi- 110092