Livelihood equipment for Tsunami affected villages

Project Brief: Needs identified by AHA ground volunteers during visits to tsunami affected villages. Seeking Asha-wide tsunami funds.
Project Type: Other (description)
Primary Focus: other (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Yale
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Debarati Mazumder
Project Partner(s): M. Sathya Priya
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , ,,Besant Nagar,
Stewarding Chapter: Yale
Dec 2006YaleUSD 3490
Dec 2005YaleUSD 1

Total = $3491

This proposal is to support the livelihood equipment for 150 families of carpenters and construction workers affected by the Tsunami in Chennai District. These families have lost their homes and equipment. Construction workers and carpenters who were previously entrepreneurs are having to rent equipment and work for other people at low wages. They stay on the street during daytime and at night stay in government shelters. The total need is for:
A. Temporary sheets for their shelter: 80 families - Rs 16000
B. Fishing business: 100 women and 100 families - Rs 12000. Vessel needed for selling the fish by women for their survival
C. Construction workers and carpenters livelihood equipment set (150 families)- Rs 1,50,000.
The government has been helping with building temporary shelters and providng fishing equipment but are not doing anything
for families who have indirectly lost their livelihood through the Tsunami. Ground volunteers are hoping that the government will
pick up the first two items and so they are requesting immediate funds for item C.
To enable villagers who have indirectly lost their livelihoods due to the tsunami, to get back on their own feet.
Consists of ground team of volunteers with long-standing commitment to social work, or volunteers who show such promise. The ground team is in regular contact with Asha USA volunteers, who are discussing identified needs on the ground and trying to fund the projects of the ground team.