FODRA - Fountain Of Development Research and Action

Project Brief: The community development initiative of FODRA was started in Pratap Nagar(a low-income unauthorised cluster in north-east Delhi) during 1996 with a strategy of gradually expanding activities to adjoining low-income clusters and other areas in Delhi.
Project Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers (description)
Primary Focus: to go to formal school (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Urban
Supporting Chapter Contact: Princeton
Status: completed - things went wrong
Project Steward: Madhab Nayak
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , 302, Jai Apartments,,Sector-9 Rohini,New Delhi,
DELHI  110 085
Tel: 91-11-755 3976, 514 3836
Stewarding Chapter: Princeton
Dec 2002PrincetonUSD 4000
Dec 2001PrincetonUSD 3833
Dec 2000PrincetonUSD 2700
Dec 1999PrincetonUSD 1000

Total = $11533

FODRA works with people in three slums in East Delhi. It has promoted women's self-help groups and a soft-toys making cooperative. It runs a remedial education center for children attending local Govt. schools. This year it will start a non-formal education center to prepare children to attend regular school.

FODRA believes that greater social understanding and responsibility are essential in our behavior as individuals, groups or organisations. It wants to help redress the vast and growing imbalance of resources in order to address inequality and poverty. For FODRA, achieving self-sustaining development is nothing less than creating an enabling environment where - people have access to affordable health care facilities, children are born healthy and stay alive, education for children and adults. Further, FODRA also believes that promoting appropriate technology, vocational skills, local level entrepreneurship and increased access to credit for women living in poverty is a path-breaking idea to serve as a truly effective means of reducing poverty and gender inequality. FODRA is striving for a just and self-sustaining people centred development process and committed to undertake actions among urban and rural disadvantaged population to reduce poverty and gender inequality in India indigenously and in partnership with local, national and international level individuals, development organisations and donors.
Fountain Of Development, Research and Action (FODRA) is an NGO that was started in March 1997 and works with the extremely poor families in the areas of Pratap Nagar and Samboli Gaddha in East Delhi. They have started and have been successfully running a microcredit programme for a group of 32 women in these areas. They have also conducted a vocational training programme for about 20 women and have started a remedial education centre for 30 children. They would like to strengthen this remedial education centre and start a non-formal education centre for non-school-going children and seek funding for these two projects.