Asha Trust - Aasra Sewa Sansthan

Project Brief: To help the marginalised sections in society to be able to get an education and to earn a livelihood through self initiated economic activities. Through these activities and the income earned, to generate a feeling of self-reliance and confidence.
Project Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers (description)
Primary Focus: children of dalits/tribals (description)

Secondary Focus: to go to formal school

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Philadelphia
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Ankur Pariyani
Project Partner(s): Vallabh Pandey
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , Village/PO Mankaiyan Mizamurad,,,,
Uttar Pradesh 
Tel: +91 9935956075
Stewarding Chapter: Philadelphia
Feb 2013PhiladelphiaUSD 8200
Dec 2012PhiladelphiaUSD 227
Feb 2012PhiladelphiaUSD 7800
May 2011PhiladelphiaUSD 302
Apr 2011PhiladelphiaUSD 8000
Nov 2010PhiladelphiaUSD 2562
Nov 2010ChennaiUSD 5400
Nov 2010Work an HourUSD 972
Feb 2010Work an HourUSD 3682
Sep 2009PhiladelphiaUSD 3104
Dec 2008PhiladelphiaUSD 3039
Sep 2008PhiladelphiaUSD 1482
May 2008PhiladelphiaUSD 2118
Jan 2008PhiladelphiaUSD 2173
Oct 2007PhiladelphiaUSD 1819
Apr 2007PhiladelphiaUSD 1450
Feb 2006MunichEUR 1150
Feb 2006MunichEUR 320

Total = $53983.2943

Asha works with Aasra Sewa Sansthan to bring education to the children of the marginalized communities in the village near Varanasi.Asha also plans to build small libraries for the village schools.For more information, please visit Asha Philadelphia's project page for Aasra at
1. Main goal is to facilitate the social progress of the marginalized communities in Varanasi by providing access
to education. At present this community is deprived of access to education.
2.Community members become addicted to various intoxicants from childhood. To help the community become free of intoxicants through educational programs.
3. End the practice of child marriage.
Was established in 2002.