Back To School (Tsunami)

Project Brief: Supporting children affected by the Tsunami with necessary schooling materials
Project Type: Formal Schools (description)
Primary Focus: other (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Chennai
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Rajaraman Krishnan
Project Partner(s): Susan Seats
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , ,,,
Tamil Nadu 
Stewarding Chapter: Chennai
Jul 2007ChennaiUSD 1048
Feb 2007Tsunami Relief & RehabUSD 40270
Jun 2006ArizonaUSD 9692
Jun 2005ChennaiUSD 1212
Mar 2005ArizonaUSD 1000
Feb 2005Tsunami Relief & RehabUSD 4500
Jan 2005SeattleUSD 5000

Total = $62722

The Dec. 26th Tsunami?s has impacted lives of people all along the coast in various ways. Children have suffered from this tragedy. Their schooling has also been impacted. Many children have lost their school books, notebooks, uniforms etc. The schools play an important role in returning to these children a sense of normalcy. It further provides them a secure environment away from their home. Thus it is important that we get the children these materials so that they can resume their normal schooling activities.

The schools that have been identified for support by Asha, are schools where a majority of the children are affected by the Tsunami. In such cases we do not think it makes sense for us to distinguish children who are affected from those who are not. The children who are not affected are also usually from poor families and even if they have not lost their possessions, they have often lost their livelihood because of the disruption it has caused in the community (through moving to shelters, through the stop in the fishing trade, etc.). Therefore we intend to distribute these materials to all children in schools where a majority of the children are affected by the Tsunami. In a couple of cases the intended beneficiaries of the project are not children of a specific school but children from an affected village that go to different schools.

For each student we intend to provide the following,

Note books for children ? The notebooks varies starting at 2 ruled, 1 unruled, 1 maths and 1 drawing notebooks for classes 1 and 2 to 1 unruled, 2 long composition books and 6 long unruled 200 page notebooks for classes 11 and 12.
Pencil box for all classes with pencils and pens (higher classes).
Colour pencils and crayons for children upto 6th standard. Geometry boxes for 7th to 12th standard children.
One lunch box per child.
One school bag per child.
One activity book for fun and games for coming to terms with the effects of the Tsunami
Two sets of uniforms or civil clothes at an average cost of Rs 250 per set for each child. Note we will initially give one uniform for the children and give the other set after we are able to cover all the children.

Total Cost per Child for the above items ? Rs 1000.

Click to view the Children Assisted by this Project

This project has received some additional funding from other sources. For details see corresponding information in History section