PEAK - People, Empowerment And (Indigenous) Knowledge

Project Brief: Empowerment of the marginalised groups (including women), and the protection and stability of the ecosystem through People?s Knowledge. Specifically, Asha is involved in the implementation of workshops.
Project Type: Resource Centers (description)
Primary Focus: creating resources (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: DC
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Vani Mynampati
Project Partner(s): Reetu Sogani
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , Premkuti,,Pokharkhali,
Uttaranchal  263601
Tel: (91) 94129-52639
Stewarding Chapter: DC
Apr 2006DCUSD 2135
Dec 2004DCUSD 0

Total = $2135

The proposed project is conceived as a follow-up to the activities of Aadhar and its partners Buniyad and CAC over the last three years Its goal is to develop a model for the conservation and promotion of People?s Knowledge and Practices and advocate for its inclusion in the overall development scenario of Uttaranchal. The project will be jointly implemented by Aadhar, CAC and Buniyad with Aadhar responsible for its overall coordination. Asha DC will be specifically involved with the implementation of workshops concerned with women?s empowerment and the documentation of indigenous knowledge.