
Project Brief: ABILITIES is a Registered Charitable trust, that provides services to children/people with disabilities.
Project Type: Children with Disabilities (description)
Primary Focus: children with disabilities (description)

Secondary Focus: vocational training

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Berkeley
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward:
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , Resource Center for Disabled Persons,3439, 4th cross, II Stage,Indira Nagar,
Tel: 080-5252480
Stewarding Chapter: Berkeley
Dec 2004BerkeleyUSD 2000
Dec 2003BerkeleyUSD 1000
Dec 2002BerkeleyUSD 3000
Dec 2001BerkeleyUSD 4500
Dec 2000BerkeleyUSD 2600
Dec 1999BerkeleyUSD 3010

Total = $16110

ABILITIES aims to make educational material accessible for children/people with vision loss and to develop training programs for people with disabilities. The are developing a Rural Community Based Rehabilitation Programme.

At ABILITIES, people with vision loss are trained and employed to transcribe books into Braille. Volunteers from the community are on hand to read the printed material so that it can be transcribed. Transcription of Braille books is done in English as well as in local languages.

This activity helps in community awareness and social integration, and also provides a keen sense of fulfillment for all those involved. The visually impaired transcribers and the volunteers share a sense of commitment as they are both making a positive contribution and providing a key service for the education of children and adults with vision loss.

In late 2003, early 2004, the Asha-Stars for this project, decided to move funding away from Abilities to an effort to document and study blind children in chennai. This proposal was approved by Berkeley and the last round of star funding was approved in 2004.