Asha Trust - Asha Samajik Vidyalaya - Lucknow

Project Brief: Asha Samajik Vidyalaya consists of non-formal education centers for slum children in Lucknow.
Project Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers (description)
Primary Focus: children from slums (description)

Secondary Focus: remedial education

Area: Urban
Supporting Chapter Contact: Lucknow
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Farid Abbasi
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts: Sandeep Pandey
Project Address: , Asha,A-893 Indiara Nagar,Lucknow,
Tel: 91-983-942-2521
Stewarding Chapter: Lucknow

Asha Stars, if any:

ASV Lucknow Asha Stars

Jun 2008LucknowINR 100
Jun 2008LucknowINR 100000
Oct 2007ArizonaUSD 6077
May 2007DCUSD 2925
Feb 2007DCUSD 2656
Sep 2006DCUSD 2000
Jul 2006DCUSD 2000
Apr 2006ArizonaUSD 5908
Nov 2005ArizonaUSD 3148
Jun 2005ArizonaUSD 3150
Jun 2005ArizonaUSD 0
Apr 2004ArizonaUSD 5300

Total = $35346.18

Update in 2012: There are about 120 children supported by Asha in Lucknow through individual donations.

As of November 2006, Asha is funding the following centers offering non-formal education to slum children in Lucknow: Nadwa, Madiyaw, Janaki Plaza, and Ismail Ganj. These centers operate for 4 hours in the morning or afternoon. Another center in Jugoli has also begun operations and is focused on senior students (std-VI to IX). Chunnilal is the coordinator for these centers and is assitaed by 9 other teachers.

Previously, Asha was funding 7 centers under the coordination of Sonia Singh. However, in October 2006, Sonia and some teachers decided to leave the Asha India umbrella, but were expected to continue work with children in 4 centers previously funded by Asha.

To provide basic education to first generation learners and remedial education to some children who are in formal schools.