Jeeva Jyothi

Project Brief: Funding to provide 1) Remuneration for the teachers and staff 2) Educational kits 3) Balwadi rent
Project Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers (description)
Primary Focus: children of migrant workers (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Arizona
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Anuj Chakrapani
Project Partner(s): Rajaraman Krishnan
Other Contacts: Anita Chawla
Project Address: , 58 Chinnakulandai Main Street, Maduma Nagar,Perambur, Chennai - 11, India,Chennai,
Tel: 91 44 558-1590
Stewarding Chapter: Arizona
Sep 2006ArizonaUSD 3438
Feb 2006ArizonaUSD 3450
Apr 2004ArizonaUSD 6900
Dec 2003ArizonaUSD 2500

Total = $16288

Project I
Providing funding for non-recurring and recurring expenses to achieve the following:
* To Prevent malnutrition and nutritional deficiency problems
* To ensure the practice of proper health care system
* To enable the fullest participation of the parents in the child care activities right from conception of the fetus till the school going age
* To promote primary development of the children with secured place for learning before entering the school atmosphere
* To main stream the children in the society by inculcating the practice of school going at an early age
* To increase the Number of Children attending school in the age group of 6 to 14 years by lessening their burdens of taking care of the younger ones in family.

Project 2
This project refers to the proposal submitted in May 2005. Jeeva Jyothi's two Balwadis (funded by Asha) are not housed in the same compound. They are in neighboring areas, and JJ claims it will be able to run the Balwadis much better if both the Balwadis are combined into one. They seem to have moved from one site to another, either on the owners' direction or because of some other logistical reason. Hence, having a single 'own' building of theirs may be the solution to all their problems. To this end, they have identified a piece of land that is close to one of the existing Balwadis. In addition, Jeeva Jyothi is requesting support for Balwadi maintenance, child care, remuneration etc.
Specific Objectives:

1.To prevent nutritional deficiency problems in children and mothers.
2.To ensure the practise of proper healthcare system.
3.To enable the fullest participation of the parents in the childcare activities right from conception till the school going age.
4.To promote primary development of the children with secures place for learning before entering the school atmosphere.
5.To mainstream the children in the society by inculcating the practice of school going at an early age.
6.To link health measures introduced by the Government with the community.
7.To improve the nutritional status of the children and mothers.

Jeeva Jyothi NGO?s mission is to promote, protect, and advance the rights of indigent children in Chennai, with a focus on street and working children. Contextually, Jeeva Jyothi?s (JJ) work is intertwined with the fate met by many poor rural farmers in India. Facing severe water shortage or assault on crop prices, they sell their land (if they own) and migrate to cities. They arrive disoriented, their luggage heavy with superstitious ways and caste oppression, yet empty of literacy and skills. The result is searching for odd day-labour jobs, surviving in slums, or trapped as bonded labour. Against this complex social problem JJ aims at children, clearly the helpless victims, their legitimate rights violated often through ignorance of parents and society. These children, robbed of child-hood and basic human rights, suffer through 10+ hour workdays, sleeping on streets, no schooling, inadequate nutrition, and regular abuse and exploitation. These children see their childhood literally end before it begins.

JJ, unique among NGOs, tackles the problem in a comprehensive, holistic manner, treating symptoms and the underlying disease. JJ addresses children?s immediate physical needs but also developmental and intellectual needs. JJ then works at the societal level seeking structural change through NGOs, government, schools, and other institutions. With children, JJ?s staff of 30 carry out programs including: outreach to runaways; counseling; shelter stays; informal education for working children; supplemental education; ?manimandrams? children clubs for leadership development, nutrition programs; and more. In 7 years, JJ has successfully helped lower the rate of street children; enrolled close to 1000 children in schools, including hundreds from tribal communities; successfully converted one slum into a child labour-free zone; reunited tens of runaway children with parents, and more.

With mothers, JJ initiatives include: forming self-help groups; skills and leadership development; teaching financial management and how to start businesses; health education, etc. JJ?s successes include 15-plus woman?s sangam groups that are active in advocacy, PTA and self-empowerment programs; progress in woman?s literacy, women?s group savings accounts and self-lending programs; progress in family health and hygiene. JJ service to nearly 2000 people has won awards and recognition by schools, NGOs and government bodies.
Jeeva Jyothi NGO - ?Ever-Living Light?
Attn: Mr. Gadi Meir, Program Development
Attn: Mr. Susai Raj, Executive Director

Registration Details : 1843 / 1994
FCRA Registration No : 075900620
Income Tax Registration : G.I.NO ? 3621-J
FCRA Bank Particulars : Account No 24037
No .51, G.N.T. ROAD,
Erukancherry, Chennai - 600118