SCD Rotary Project

Project Brief: Provide one-time funding to purchase equipment required to develop a school curriculum framework for mentally retarded children.
Project Type: Special Needs (description)
Primary Focus: other (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Urban
Supporting Chapter Contact: Arizona
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Vinodh Parekh
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , 1305 A/B Vasant Kunj,,,
Delhi  110070
Tel: 91-11-3645324 (Work); 91-11-68
Stewarding Chapter: Arizona
Dec 2002ArizonaUSD 4000

Total = $4000

Provide funds to purchase equipment listed in the attachment to develop a school curriculum framework for mentally retarded children. Prepare a detailed documentation of the teaching process developed in the school. Print and publish training material, conduct training workshops for special ed teachers, parents and professionals in this field for the adaptation of this syllabus and teaching techniques. Start training programs for special ed teachers .

Asha funds $4,000- check issued to Phoenix Rotary 100 Total of Rotary chapter and Rotary Foundation Matching Grant funds ; $ 9,236 Total funds : $ 13,236

Asha and Rotary chapter funds have been transferred to Rotary International Foundation, (RI) Evanston, Illinois. RI will start approving the matching grant projects starting with their new fiscal year in July 2002. RI Project Coordinator Amanda Lorenz has reviwed the project proposal and is confident that the project will be approved shortly thereaftert and SCD will receive funding by end of August 2002.

Standardizing and formulating a curriculum that would bring the Right of Education to handicap children, inclusion of special education into the mainstream education process in India and to promote the matter of education of the handicapped, so that it is shifted from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to the Ministry of Education and their education is not considered a welfare program but a Right of a Child.
Dr. Madhumita Puri is a Ph.D. in psychology, who has a lot of fire in her to help mentally challenged children. She has been running a school called Prabhat in Shastri Nagar, Delhi ever since 1992. Her Society for Child Development and this school were founded at the same time.
Projects Page Society for Child Development (SCD)

NGO run by 3 medical professionals since 1992 in Delhi. Others - 5 Executive council, 8 National council members in various provinces. Objectives: To function as a service provider, an action oriented research group, advocacy and resource base for children and their parents, doctors, other NGOs and support groups. Goals: Provide children with mental handicap opportunities to learn basic skills of survival, daily living, academics and vocational training to earn daily living for leading lives of dignity, respect and purpose. Accomplishments: Prabhat school for 80 children ; Vocational School 30 trainees; Vocational Training center for 100/year in UP with collaboration of BHEL and Govt.; Early Diagnostics kit for pediatricians, rehab specialists to detect disabilities at early age; Early Stimulation Kit for activities in areas of communication, movement, and cognitive skills; Training center of teachers in special ed as resource bank of innovative professionals; Disability India Network as a reference and service site for professionals, NGOs and parents;
Contact: Dr. Madhumita Puri