Asha Darshan Trust - Tribal Empowerment

Project Brief: The Tribal Empowerment Public School is an Asha India sponsored school in the remote tribal area of Manipur bordering Myanmar. It serves 13 tribal villages and has over 519 students in classes K-7. It offers a spark of hope for the children who have
Project Type: Formal Schools (description)
Primary Focus: other (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Stamford
Status: current / ongoing
Project Steward: Bhargavi Ramamurthy
Project Partner(s): T. H. Joy
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , ,,Leingangching Village, Litan,
Stewarding Chapter: Stamford
Jul 2024StamfordUSD 27048
Nov 2023General FundsUSD 29479
Aug 2023StamfordUSD 23064
Aug 2022General FundsUSD 19180
Jun 2022StamfordUSD 20585
Jul 2021General FundsUSD 18832
Jul 2021StamfordUSD 9523
Sep 2020General FundsUSD 12425
Aug 2020StamfordUSD 9474
Sep 2019General FundsUSD 12103
Sep 2019StamfordUSD 11510
Jul 2019StamfordUSD 9911
Jun 2018StamfordUSD 20270
Sep 2017StamfordUSD 18816
Dec 2016StamfordUSD 10400
May 2016StamfordUSD 18251
Dec 2015StamfordUSD 3184
May 2015StamfordUSD 17248
Aug 2014HartfordUSD 6866
Jun 2014StamfordUSD 20285
May 2013StamfordUSD 16057
Apr 2012StamfordUSD 25393
Aug 2011StamfordUSD 17950
Nov 2010Work an HourUSD 3916
Apr 2010StamfordUSD 10900
Apr 2010Work an HourUSD 5000
Dec 2008StamfordUSD 15500
Nov 2007StamfordUSD 13678
Oct 2007Work an HourUSD 3222
Nov 2006Work an HourUSD 3222
Nov 2006StamfordUSD 1778
Oct 2006StamfordUSD 3000
Feb 2006StamfordUSD 2000
Jul 2005BerkeleyUSD 1000
Jun 2005StamfordUSD 2000
Mar 2005SeattleUSD 2000
Oct 2004SyracuseUSD 2000
Aug 2004StamfordUSD 2000
Oct 2003SeattleUSD 4000

Total = $453070

The concept of the school with a small number of voluntary teachers was started in late 2003 with about 30 students. It is situated in the proximity of 13 villages serving tribes of all ethnicities. Asha volunteers raised a small donation to start a school building which was functional with constructed classrooms in March 2004. Asha Stamford, CT got involved and offered to cover the cost of teachers’ salaries for 3 years starting in 2004. These efforts of incubation by Asha Stamford and the continued private donations by Asha individuals has resulted in the school growing from a concept to a fully functioning, enviable and much admired institution in that area. It today supports 519 students across grades K-7 and 11 teachers. In addition to educational instruction, the children are provided with uniforms and also have an opportunity to participate in organized sports like football, volleyball, carrom in a playground setting.

To provide education to the underprivileged children in the remote area of Manipur and free them from the bonds of poverty. The area is ridden with communal violence making the means of livelihood through cultivation very unproductive. Education provides a very constructive alternative - taking the children out from the communal troubles; creating values for learning in a secular and tolerant environment; and also providing the platform for higher studies that lead to more lucrative careers.
The school is a quintessential Asha project. It was conceived as an idea at the Asha Timbukto conference in 2003. It owes its origins to the efforts of a few dedicated Asha individuals (Raj, Jags, Sahadev, Mani, Menon, Ajay and Batra) who with a dedicated and committed champion of tribal education – Mr. T.H.Joy, took up the challenge of starting a school in the remote tribal village of Leingangching Village in Manipur. Joy was very familiar with the ills of this remote region that borders Myanmar. This area is primarily a hilly terrain with poor agricultural prospects, compounded by tribal rivalries and social issues leading to dismal outlook for future of the children. Joy hails from this area and is a success story of a tribal native who has made his career in the city and wants more tribal children to have the same opportunity.
Jul 2024 2024 Project Metrics Form
Jul 2024 TEP Budget 2024-25.pdf
Jul 2024 2024 TEP Project Metrics Form 7-9-24.pdf
May 2024 TEP Budget 2024-25
Oct 2023 General Funds proposal
Aug 2023 2023 Project Metrics Form
Jun 2023 2023-24 Budget
Jun 2023 TEP Budget 2023-24 Revised Submission.pdf
May 2023 2023 Site Visit Report
Jul 2022 General Funds Proposal 2022-2023
Jul 2022 GF proposal details 22-23
Apr 2022 Budget 2022-2023 - pdf
Mar 2022 TEP Budget 2022-23
Mar 2022 TEP Budget 2022-23 (March 2022).docx
Jul 2021 Virtual Site Visit
Jun 2021 TEP Final Budget 2021-22
Apr 2021 TEP Budget 2021-22
Aug 2020 TEP 2020-21 Budget Funding Split Proposal
Aug 2020 TEP 2020-21 Budget Funding Split Proposal Final 82020
Mar 2020 TEP Budget 2020-2021
Mar 2020 TEP Budget Proposal 2020-21
Sep 2019 Site Visit Aug 2019
Aug 2019 Site Visit Aug2019
Aug 2019 School Repair proposal 2019
May 2019 TEP Site Visit Report Ma 2019
Mar 2019 TEP Budget Proposal 2019-2020
Jun 2018 TEP Budget 2018-19 Discussion and Voting Minutes
Jun 2018 Approved TEP Budget 2018-19
Jun 2018 TEP Budget 2018-19 Discussion and Voting Minutes
Jun 2018 Approved TEP Budget 2018-19
Apr 2018 TEP 2018-19 Budget and Comparison
Jun 2017 Manipur TEP 2017 Site Visit Report
Jun 2017 TEP 2017-18 Budget Meeting Minutes
Mar 2017 TEP2017-2018Budget And Comparison
Nov 2016 TEPRepairFunding2016.doc
Nov 2016 TEPRepairApproval2016.docx
May 2016 BudgetMeetingMinutesTEP2016
May 2016 TEP2016-17Budget
May 2016 TEP2016BudgetMeetingMinutes
May 2016 TEP2016-17Budget
Dec 2015 Budget Butterfly Fields
Dec 2015 Minutes Approving Butterfly Fields funds
Sep 2015 Teacher Training Proposal 2015
Sep 2015 Conference Call Biju June 2015
May 2015 Minutes Budget Approval
May 2015 Budget 2015
Jul 2014 Site Visit Report
Jul 2014 TEP Proposal for Hartford
Jul 2014 Hartford Meeting Minutes
May 2014 Minutes Budget Approval
May 2014 Budget 2014
Oct 2013 Site Visit 2013
Apr 2013 Meeting Min 2013 Budget
Apr 2013 Budget 2013
Jan 2013 Progress Update 2012
Dec 2012 Audit Report 2013-2014
Mar 2012 Infrastructure improvement meeting minutes
Mar 2012 Infrastructure Improvement and Revised Budget 2012
Apr 2011 WAH 2011 Proposal
Apr 2011 Budget 2012
Dec 2010 Progress Report 2011
Dec 2010 Budget 2011
Dec 2010 Progress Update 2010
Dec 2010 Site Visit Report
Nov 2010 2011 Budget approval
Dec 2009 Progress Report 2009
Jun 2009 WAH 2009 Proposal TEP
Apr 2009 Site Visit Report 2009
Apr 2009 Budget 2010
Feb 2009 Progress Report 2008
Dec 2008 Budget 2009
Dec 2008 Pictures 2008
Feb 2008 Progress Report 2007
Oct 2007 Budget 2008
Oct 2007 Mid Year Update
Sep 2007 Pictures 2007
Jul 2007 Site Visit July 2007
Oct 2006 Midyear update and Goals 2007
Sep 2006 Meeting Minutes TEP
Jun 2006 Budget 2006
Jun 2006 Accounts Summary 2004-2006
Jun 2006 Photos Sports Week
May 2006 WAH 2006 Proposal
Dec 2005 Progress Report 2005
Oct 2005 Pics from site visit
Dec 2004 Progress Report 2004
Apr 2004 Shriram's Site Visit Report
Nov 2003 One-page Project Summary
Oct 2003 FAQ from previous communications
Apr 2003 Pics from site visit - Joy
Apr 2003 Site Visit Report