Shri Vidhyalaya Trust

Project Brief: The National School of the Deaf and Mentally Retarded: education of children with hearing and mental disabilities
Project Type: Children with Disabilities (description)
Primary Focus: children with disabilities (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Cornell
Status: terminated
Project Steward:
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , 223C, Rajaji Street,,K.K. Nagar,
Stewarding Chapter: Cornell
Dec 1998CornellUSD 1250

Total = $1250

The National School of the Deaf and Mentally Retarded is attended by about sixty students(kindergarten to 8th grade), twenty of them are boarders and the rest are day scholars. Most of the children are only hearing or speech disabled, but a few of the students are mentally disabled children suffering from Down's Syndrome or cerebral palsy.Education is in Tamil medium and emphasis is placed upon oral therapy rather than on the learning of sign language.

Asha Cornell gave them $1250 in 1998(=52,840 Rs)for the following:

audiometer : 27,000 Rs
psychological testing kit: 9,000 Rs
speech trainer 6,000 Rs

The audio testing set was used by the doctor to periodically make checks on the extent of deafness of the children.
The psychological testing kit was purchased in order to test the IQ and assess the needs of the mentally disabled students.
The remaining money(~10000 Rs)contributed to the purchase of teaching and developmental aids for the students.