Kolotan School in rural Bengal

Project Brief: Kolotan is running a Primary school at this time comprising of eight grades starting from Pre KG to grade 5. It provides an alternate education method keeping the students close to the nature. They add a new grade each year as the students is promoted, th
Project Type: Educational Experiments (description)
Primary Focus: other (description)

Secondary Focus: to go to formal school

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Danbury
Status: proposal - received
Project Steward: Shivaji Banerjee
Project Partner(s): Sujoy Sarkar
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , Village Taraberia,,PO: Padmalavpur,
Tel: 917605827070
Stewarding Chapter: Danbury

Total = $0

Currently the school is run from a rental premise. There are 12 teachers and 5 support staffs. The expense includes Rent, Electricity, Water, Staff salary, School events, Books, Pool car for students transportation. The expense will increase each year as a new grade is added. Asha for Danbury can intervene for the operation expense of the school so that they could run it smoothly.

It is noteworthy that a local generous person has donated a parcel of land of about 3500 square feet to Kolotan through a gift deed. Kolotan wishes to construct a building of its own, some day using locally available environment friendly materials like muds, woods, bamboo etc. Kolotan is trying to separately raise money for that.
A cohort of passionate educators inspired by Tagore's vision, with a shared urge to reshape education, connecting the children to their local and global community.
KOLOTAN which means song of a flock of birds in unison, was born with the noble idea to provide holistic education to the children of the have-nots so that they can be a part of the inclusive growth trajectory the country is moving towards.

Established in 2018 and registered on 2nd November 2019, we, at KOLOTAN, primarily work with the children of rural, agrarian families who would otherwise have had little or no access to education, let alone a quality, well-rounded, and holistic one. Our goal is to ensure that our students grow up to be strong, independent, well-balanced individuals who go on to become upright members of the society, and work towards the inclusive societal growth.

Kolotan is a space for children to give expression to their imaginations and encourage free thinking. Kolotan intends to offer thoughtfully designed quality education to children from diverse background.

In Kolotan children are always free to ask questions and provided enough flexibility to choose their work. The classes are not rigidly structured.

Kolotan does not believe in compartmentalizing different subjects and interweaves them effectively to ensure joyful learning. Art, craft, music, clay modelling, language, math and science are interwoven with equal importance.

Children learn to connect with nature routinely rather than occasionally.

Kolotan strives to connect discussions in classes with daily life situations, seasonal changes and social awareness.

To address the issue of mental health the teachers in Kolotan are in constant touch with the families of the children.

Kolotan ensures children to be self- reliant void of any regimentation.