NEET - Anubhav

Project Brief: NEET intends to roll out its teacher training and teacher on-site intervention for language learning for three clusters of Balipura block of Sonitpur District, Assam, to be based out of its Anubhav library.
Project Type: Working with the Government (description)
Primary Focus: children of dalits/tribals (description)

Secondary Focus: remedial education

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Beyond Borders
Status: current / ongoing
Project Steward: Shreya Gargya
Project Partner(s): Risha Borooah
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , House no.18, near Cafe Karma,Lamb Road, Dighalipukhuri East,Guwahati,
ASSAM  781001
Tel: 011 91 7086014345
Stewarding Chapter: Beyond Borders

Total = $0

In the villages of the Balipara Block in Sonitpur District in Assam, there are learning gaps among children of primary levels, especially in learning language at a foundational level. The project aims to provide a library and learning center to local children and address low-quality teaching and language barriers to overcome learning gaps.
The main objective of NEET is to enhance children's capacity for critical thinking and creative expression by using innovative methods of learning and teaching. In particular, it will address the problem of low language learning levels in children by enhancing teachers' theoretical and pedagogical skills in language teaching.
NEET started functioning in 2016 by documenting good teaching-learning practices across the Indian education space. By engaging with teachers and children through workshops and by using innovative techniques of learning, they promote critical thinking skills among Indian educators and children.
In 2017, NEET initiated the library programme in government schools to provide quality children's literature, opportunities to engage with resources by conducting planned library sessions. In the following year, NEET expanded its reach by establishing a Community Library in Uzan Bazar area in Guwahati and setting up a community library in Balikuchi Majaliya Vidyalaya, a government school. It also initiated the Teacher Engagement Programme by conducting four workshops on creating vibrant libraries with teachers in Assam and Nepal.
In 2019, NEET changed its library programme in schools to a language learning programme that focused on four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in both English and Assamese. By 2020, it supported setting up classroom libraries in four project schools in the library program.
NEET expanded its educational initiatives during Covid lockdown, offering online classes for library regulars and children of project schools. Once the lockdown eased, NEET started providing academic support to library children and initiated the language learning programme in 6 project schools. In 2021 NEET launched a holistic Early Childhood Care and Education programme for underprivileged children between the ages of 3-6 years. A capacity enhancement and mentorship programme with teachers of partner organizations of IDEA on language teaching and creating vibrant libraries was initiated in the same year.
In 2022, NEET changed its language learning programme to a teacher support programme, offering demonstration classes in the presence of teachers and conducting academic sessions in CRC meetings to assist teachers in teaching Assamese and English languages.