Asha Trust - Sangamam Rajatalab

Project Brief: Sangamam project focusses on teaching computer science to government primary school children in Rajatalab, Varanasi area in Uttar Pradesh, India. In addition, the project aims to supplement the teaching of other subjects like Maths, Science, English etc
Project Type: Educational Experiments (description)
Primary Focus: creating resources (description)

Secondary Focus: remedial education

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Austin
Status: current / ongoing
Project Steward: Mohit Sood
Project Partner(s): Suresh Rathaur
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , MNREGA Workers Union Office,In front of Aaraji Line,Rajatalab ,
Tel: 011 91 8858460501
Stewarding Chapter: Austin
Jul 2024AustinUSD 11025
Sep 2023AustinUSD 11168
Jun 2023AustinUSD 11311
Sep 2022AustinUSD 9357
Oct 2021AustinUSD 3519
Sep 2021AustinUSD 4078
Aug 2021General FundsUSD 8427
Jun 2021AustinUSD 3542
Jun 2021AustinUSD 4991
Nov 2020AustinUSD 3689
Apr 2020AustinUSD 5276
Nov 2019AustinUSD 1401
Oct 2019AustinUSD 5991

Total = $83775

Sangamam project aims to replicate the model that Asha Chennai has developed working with primary schools in Chennai area. Broadly the project has following objectives:
• Teaching computer science.
• Teaching Maths, Science, English and other subjects using computers

Though initial focus will be on teaching computer science, the hope is that the teachers will also start mapping online teaching content UP state board curriculum. Asha Chennai has done similar thing, where they have mapped 3rd party teaching content to Tamil Nadu curriculum and provided access to content through their Kanani software. They will now guide the Sangamam team on how to map content in Hindi language with UP state board curriculam. Once mapped this content will be made available to the government teachers and other schools in this area as well.
The project aims to introduce computer education and computer aided curriculum in U.P government school.
Brief note on background