Lok Chetana Samiti - Girls Hostel

Project Brief: Ensure a safe home to girls from the extremely marginalized Musahar community and other underprivileged children from the local community (from all religions and castes). Send the children to nearby schools and provide tuition support.
Project Type: Child Home (description)
Primary Focus: girls (description)

Secondary Focus: children of dalits/tribals

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Boston
Status: current / ongoing
Project Steward: Prasoon Suchandra
Project Partner(s): Ranju SIngh
Other Contacts: Akshay Bhole
Project Address: , Lok Chetna Samiti, Near Chiraigaon Block Office,Bariasanpur, Saranath P.O.,,Varanasi,
Uttar Pradesh  221007
Tel: 011 91 542 2616289
Stewarding Chapter: Boston
Sep 2023BostonUSD 7823
Mar 2021AtlantaUSD 4988
Aug 2019AtlantaUSD 14502
Sep 2018AtlantaUSD 13008
Jul 2017AtlantaUSD 17377

Total = $57698

A Spain based NGO funded the construction of a hostel building for the girls which was inaugurated in July 2017. Asha for Education will fund the cost of the day-to-day operations of the girls hostel.
The vision of the organization is the formation of a just Democratic Secular Society as Visualized in the Constitution of India. The aim of the organization is to prepare a movement of people, capable of making an effective contribution for bringing about societal change in favor of the poor and the marginalized and realize the vision of the organization.
Lok Chetana Samiti (LCS) is an innovative inter-religious common venture for community building at the grassroots level. Since its inception in 1994, it has been working for gender equality, gender justice, empowering women through socio economic awareness and organizing them against atrocities and injustice against women.
Formation of self help groups among the poor women for strengthening their economic power and self-dependence promoting cooperation and collective action among them. Guide the people towards income generating programs and arrange for them microfinance in view of livelihood and poverty eradication.
Building village/grassroots communities (CBOs) through formation of people’s committees called Lok Samiti, organization called Mahila Chetana Samiti and MNREGA Labour Sangathan for unskilled and unorganized labour class.
Empowering the panchayat communities (gramsabhas) and making them medium of development.
Strengthening the democratic system of our country by ensuring greater participation of women and other weaker section of our society in the decision making process of local government (panchayatraj) at its lowest unit of village administration.