Aviratha Trust

Project Brief: AVIRATHA meaning ‘INCESSANT’ in Kannada; is a multifaceted Non-Governmental Organization engaged in activities of human development. AVIRATHA’s core platforms of activity have been Primary Education and Primary health.
Project Type: Formal Schools (description)
Primary Focus: children of dalits/tribals (description)

Secondary Focus: creating resources

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Houston
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Arjun Prakash
Project Partner(s): Himanshu M
Other Contacts: Aarti Chigullapalli
Project Address: , 73, 3rd phase 2nd main road,Vinayaka layout, Vijayanagar,,Bangalore,
Karnataka  560040
Tel: 011 91 9880086300
Stewarding Chapter: Houston
Apr 2017HoustonUSD 3991

Total = $3991

As a ‘civil society organization’, AVIRATHA seeks to work with communities, societies and governments by charting and maintain sustainable programs that could bridge equity gap in any dimension or contribute to human development in any form. However, AVIRATHA’s core platforms of activity have been primary education and primary health whereby the socially and geographically disadvantaged children are provided with basic ‘need’ based facilities.
AVIRATHA’s core platforms of activity have been Primary Education, Primary health, Promotion of Kannada and Literature, Promotion of performing arts, Civil Society campaigns
AVIRATHA’s core platforms of activity have been Primary Education, Primary health, Promotion of Kannada and Literature, Promotion of performing arts, Civil Society campaigns
Proposal evaluation stage