Asha Trust - Project Kanini

Project Brief: To set up computer labs with proper infrastructure and train Asha teachers to impart computer literacy in rural government schools.
Project Type: Working with the Government (description)
Primary Focus: creating resources (description)

Secondary Focus: to go to formal school

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Chennai
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Vidhya Sridhar
Project Partner(s): Asha Chennai
Other Contacts: Bhaskar Venkateswaran
Project Address: , ,,,
Tamil Nadu 
Stewarding Chapter: Chennai

Total = $0

In 2010, a company called Inautix had donated around 70 computers to Asha Chennai. These computers were distributed across rural Tamil Nadu schools supported by Asha Chennai, especially schools under the Sangamam and Dream projects.

Following this, Asha Chennai decided to ramp up computer centres and initiate streamlined computer education at these schools. Many of the computers that were distributed were diagnosed as faulty and could not be put to full use as of April 2011. Proper infrastructure for use of these computers is not available in these schools. Also, the schools do not give too much importance to computer education and computer education has not been integrated with the school curriculum in a streamlined manner. Asha Chennai intends to take necessary steps to address these issues and provide an environment encouraging computer literacy and education.

Inputs to be provided from Asha Chennai:

1. Servicing as many computers as possible.
2. Setting up tables and chairs for the computers provided.
3. Setting up dedicated space for computers wherever feasible.
4. Providing proper electrical earthing and switch boards (Most schools do not have earthing making it hazardous to work with electrical equipment).
5. Providing UPS (a necessity due to the regular power cuts in most of the project areas).
6. Provide missing miscellaneous items - speakers, mouse pads etc.
7. Include a dedicated time slot per week for computer education for every grade from the next academic year.
8. Decide streamlined content for computer education
9. Load selected educational content and games in the computers provided.
10. Regular maintenance of the computers.

- To encourage computer literacy in rural TamilNadu schools.
- To improve access to computers in rural areas in TamilNadu.
- To make education more interesting and interactive with the use of educational content in computers.