Fellowship: Ashis Panda

Project Brief: Working with rural communities in Dungarpur and other districts of Rajasthan, towards strengthening livelihoods and income security of participating farmers and pastoralists.
Project Type: Fellowships (description)
Primary Focus: creating resources (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Austin
Status: current / ongoing
Project Steward: Rangakrishnan Srinivasan
Project Partner(s): Ashis Panda
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , Udaypura,,Dungarpur,
Rajasthan  314001
Tel: 011 079-26305041
Stewarding Chapter: Austin
Sep 2024AustinUSD 5788
Jun 2018NYC/NJUSD 11144
Mar 2017NYC/NJUSD 10889
Jan 2016NYC/NJUSD 9656
Nov 2014NYC/NJUSD 6372
May 2011NYC/NJUSD 2900
Nov 2010NYC/NJUSD 2500
Feb 2010NYC/NJUSD 2500
Jul 2009DCUSD 2500

Total = $54249

Overall my focus of work, but now through Sambhaav as a platform, to achieve wider scale and impact - will remain environmental sustainability across food, water and forest/biodiversity sectors, across different functions/roles such as implementation on ground, research and documentation and education and outreach.

Scope of Fellowship work will be on themes / activities / regions, Sambhaav has no
financial support for at present, such as (this is a tentative list):
a. Biodiversity conservation (in-situ) work both around wild and cultivated flora,
especially in South Rajasthan and reaching out to farmers, gardeners and
children to teach and learn the skill of conservation;
b. Supporting interested public-spirited organizations and people to take up
conservation and restoration work on common / public lands in areas beyond
Jaisalmer, Barmer, Alwar, Dausa and Jaipur districts;
c. Building an internship and volunteering programme around conservation and
restoration, by tying up with schools and colleges, giving talks and seminars, and
supporting student projects;
d. Build partnerships with networks, organizations and people who have similar
interests but complementary skills/abilities/resources
e. Organize research and documentation around conservation and restoration;
To strengthen natural resource-based livelihoods and improve food, water and income security of participating farmers and pastoralists.
Sambhaav Trust works to set up models of development directly on the ground, that are sustainable and effective in a given context, in partnership with local rural and urban communities.

Major thematic areas of Sambhaav's work are conserving land, water and natural resources; building local governance systems and community-level leadership; and strengthening livelihoods of farmers and pastoralists.

Sambhaav accomplishes its vision/mission by building local / community-level leadership in urban and rural areas using the medium of constructive and organisational work around water, land, forest, pasture and natural resource conservation and management.

As part of the proposed work, the focus will also be towards building local community-based institutions of participating farmers and pastoralists, and partnering with various local organisations / individuals who have been working on similar themes and regions for support, such as the Vagad Mazdoor Kisan Sanghatan in Dungarpur, Rajasthan.