Visionless Amity

In March ’07 my email ID was officially inducted into the soon to be “WAH of fame”. Little did I know I was stepping into a spam ring. Talk about being invited to exercise my right as an Asha volunteer, writing long-winded, unstructured, pointless, serious (amusing to others) emails! I wasted no time. Oh! Did I mention long?… ok…

By April I had also graduated to telephony and e-chat (including gtalk status bar). There wasn’t one mode of communication that this team did not abuse! But that’s when the thunderbolts started striking…

Infectious energy, sing-song voices, thoughtful words, myriad accents, profound ideas, strength of conviction, depth of knowledge, spark of spontaneity, silly giggles, rigor of perfectionists, conceptual flexibility, expanse of creativity, humor or lack thereof and stoic silence… I am blown away that this set of individuals instinctively inched towards an unknown (at that time and apparently even now) common goal before sprinting to the finish line (16 coffees and all)…

Yes. I profess true love.

I am in love with a bunch of people I have never set my eyes on (ok… I have seen some pictures…). Perhaps I should have titled my entry – ‘Blind Love’ instead… because the last thing this crew was is visionless.

I know… I know… so far it’s all been a spiel about adult labor, blog about the theme will follow soon.