Thulir School

Project Brief: Thulir is an experimental primary school that focusses on pupil-friendly joyful learning techniques
Project Type: Alternative Education (description)
Primary Focus: other (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Rural
Supporting Chapter Contact: Cornell
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Vaishali Joglekar
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , Thulir Arts and Science Research School,Latteri,,
TAMIL NADU  0416 – 27539
Stewarding Chapter: Cornell
Dec 2000BostonUSD 500
Dec 1999CornellUSD 500

Total = $1000

Thulir is an experimental primary school that focusses on pupil-friendly joyful learning techniques. This is run by TamilNadu Science Forum volunteers in a village in Vellore district. Thulir puts into practice educational ideas that the TNSF has acquired by interactions with various people, school level programs, teacher training programs. The focus is on a free atmosphere where learning is enjoyable and not a chore.
To provide children of agricultural laborers, rat and snake catcher castes school quality, practical and engaging curriculum. Method of teaching is “Joy of Learning” (JOL) model. Curriculum includes everything in government school textbooks and upgrades content based on children’s questions/desires to learn other information.
Asha is supporting the teachers' salaries at this school with $500 per year